Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

  • the 1st Reinforcement Learning Summer Scool, July 1-12, 2019, Villeneuve d'Ascq

  • the 3rd Vigil workshop at NeurIPS 2019

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • F. Strub, co-organizer of the workshop “Visually Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL)” at NeurIPS 2019

  • The whole SequeL team has organized RLSS

Scientific Events: Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Émilie Kaufmann: ALT

  • Odalric-Ambrym Maillard: ICML, ECAI, SIF

  • Philippe Preux: ECML, EGC, SFC


In 2019, we have reviewed submissions for: AI&Stats, NeurIPS, ALT, ICML, COLT, IJCAI, AAAI, CDC, ECAI


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Journal of Machine Learning Research

  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

  • The Annals of Statistics

  • Bernoulli

  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

  • Machine Learning

  • Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA

Invited Talks

  • E. Kaufmann

    • “Beyond Classical Bandit Tools for Monte-Carlo Tree Search”, AAAI workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Games, Honolulu, Jan 2019

    • “New tools for Adaptive Testing and Applications to Bandit Problems”, Machine Learning and Optimization Working Group, Ecole des Ponts, Feb 2019

    • “Generalized Likelihood Ratios Tests applied to Sequential Decision Making”, Statistics Seminar, Agro ParisTech, Paris, May 2019

    • “Generalized Likelihood Ratios Tests applied to Sequential Decision Making”, Machine Learning Seminar, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, May 2019

    • “Quelques outils statistiques pour la prise de décision séquentielle”, Conférence plénière du GRETSI, Lille, Aug 2019

    • “Practical algorithm for multi-player bandits”, MAPLE workshop, Milan, Italy Sep 2019

    • “Practical algorithm for multi-player bandits”, Invited session of the Allerton Conference, Urbana-Champaign, USA Sep 2019

  • Odalric-Ambrym Maillard:

    • “La prise de décision séquentielle au service de la société de demain”, Euratechnologie, Lille, Feb 2019

    • “Change of mean detection, non-asymptotic delay and aggregation”, 3rd non-stationary day, Institut Henry Poincaré, Paris, Mar 2019

    • “A tour of time-uniform concentration inequalities: Laplace, Peeling, Kernel”, Workshop on empirical Processes and Applications to Statistics, Besançon, May 2019

    • “A tour of time-uniform concentration inequalities: Laplace, Peeling, Kernel”, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun 2019

    • “Reinforcement Learning: successes and promises”, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Nov 2019

  • Philippe Preux:

    • A brief introduction to supervised learning and reinforcement learning, 1st humAIn seminar, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Feb 2019

    • “Sous le contrôle des bandits”, AFCE, June 2019

    • Explainability in machine learning, 3rd humAIn seminar, Lille, June 2019

    • “Learning to act”, ENS-Paris-Saclay, Conférence de rentrée, Sep 2019

    • “Apprentissage par renforcement : mythe et réalité”, FOOR, Tourcoing, Nov 2019

  • Jill-Jênn Vie:

    • “IA, éducation et formation”, Hermès, Paris, Oct 2019

    • “JJ Vie's Factorization IV”, LaBRI, Bordeaux, Nov 2019

    • “Deep Learning for Anime & Manga”, Paris Open Source Summit, Dec 2019

    • “Deep Learning for Recommender Systems”, Université Cergy-Pontoise, Dec 2019

  • R. Gautron, O-A. Maillard, Ph. Preux, “Reinforcement learning for crop-management: a sequential decision-making under uncertainty approach”, CGIAR convention, Hydebarad, India, Oct 2019

  • Ph. Preux, M. Seurin, “L'IA, les données, ... et l'Homme dans tout ça ?”, congress “Les données et leurs usages dans les technologies du numérique”, Douai, Oct 2019

Scientific Expertise

  • Émilie Kaufmann:

    • member of the hiring committee for an assistant professor in probability/statistics at Université Paris-Sud

  • Odalric-Ambrym Maillard:

    • member of the hiring committee for CRCN at Inria Lille

  • Philippe Preux:

    • member of the hiring committee for CRCN at Inria Rennes

    • member of the hiring committee for CRCN at Inria (national)

    • evaluation of submissions to ANRT (he also declined many such invitations due to lack of time, e.g. with ANR)

Research Administration

  • Odalric-Ambrym Maillard is:

    • member of the CER at Inria Lille

  • Philippe Preux is:

    • “délégué scientifique adjoint” of the Inria center in Lille

    • member of the Inria evaluation committee (CE)

    • member of the Inria internal scientific committee (COSI)

    • member of the scientific committee of CRIStAL until Jan 2019

    • the head of the “Data Intelligence” thematic group at CRIStAL until Jan 2019